Bulk storage silos are essential process equipment in the cement and building materials industry used for various bulk material storage & blending process. The silos are often being used continuously 24/7 over the years but are always neglected in the annual shutdown maintenance plan due to limited diagnostic tools in the industry to check the operation and efficiency of storage silos.
The diagnosis of material flow inside the silo during discharge is utmost important to understand the operating condition and discharge efficiency of the silo to predict potential breakdown and loss of storage volume. Many plant operators underestimated the importance of diagnosis for silos. But when the breakdown finally happens affecting the silo operation, this could result in huge financial losses due to production shutdown, material dispatch issues, loss of sales and loss of storage volume.
IBAU HAMBURG based in Germany is well known for their trademark Central Cone Storage Silos and has over 45 years of worldwide experience in engineering solutions for bulk storage silos, pneumatic conveying systems, bulk terminals and ship-unloaders.
Specialized in Silo Technology, IBAU HAMBURG has innovated the XYLOSCAN technology for 3D silo survey with the objective to increase silo efficiency, operation, maintenance and to provide solutions to many common problems of bulk material storage systems.
XYLOSCAN is the future of silo diagnostics!
We are a premier industrial equipment and system provider based in Kuala Lumpur. We offer complete industrial solutions, from designing to building custom-made equipment and systems, that suit your every process needs.
1-13A, Suite Servis Suria, No.10,
Jalan Sri Bintang, Segambut,
52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
+603 27017353
AYS Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
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